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6 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Mobile App Development Company


With the increasing number of smartphone users, mobile application development has become one of the greatest tools to market a brand besides maintaining the user-experience. Not only does it maintain a user experience but an app enhances a user’s experience. Hence mobile app development company is highly on demand.

In order to serve this huge demand, a countless number of app development agencies are coming out of nowhere. So, it becomes your prime responsibility to consider the checklist before to hire a mobile app development company. The checklist comprises 10 questions that you need to ask before hiring a mobile app development service.

Let’s dive straight into the top 10 questions.

1. Does the company hold a portfolio?

Portfolio demonstrates all the previous work done by the company. By checking their portfolio, you can have a clear idea as to what type of apps they have developed previously. If the company refuses to showcase its portfolio before you hire them, you should not give a thumbs up to them. And don’t stop your search until you find the best mobile application development services.

2. Does the company showcase the client’s review?

Most of the professional website showcase their client’s review section. This gives a sense of trust that the company can be well fit to do your job. Also if the previous clients have done the same kind of project which you’re going to hand over, it guarantees that they are the perfect fit.

3. Are the developers skilled enough?

With the constant technological update, it has become essential for a developer to update his or her knowledge accordingly. You should look forward to hiring those developers who’re comfortable creating apps using new platforms along with new technologies. So before you hire an iOS app development company or Android app development company, check if the developers are skilled enough to take up your project.

4. Which platforms the company use to develop an app?

It’s better to opt for the one who has experience in both android and iOS platforms. With the increasing number of demands for an app, every business is targeting for global customer’s base. Building android apps or iOS apps won’t fetch you global customers.

5. How do they test the app?

Before your app is launched on apple store or google playstore, it should be tested several times. Even a minute fault can lead to massive failure of the app. So, check if the company has proper devices to check the app’s performance before to launch it.

6. What are the communication methods they use?

Communication is the bridge between you and the developer. You may have described your requirements to the app developer. But, sometimes it becomes essential to communicate on a frequent basis throughout the development process. So, check what types of communication method they use before you hire any mobile app development agency.


Without asking these questions you can’t land on to the best mobile application development company. With a countless number of app development services accessible nowadays, opting for the best one is a challenge. But, considering these factors will help you to choose the apt one for your business.

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