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Technology101: Data Warehousing Adopts the Principles of Federalism


From performing the elementary functions in the company to curating a one of a kind digital experience, data forms of the building blocks of today’s entrepreneurial societies. After all, if you take a look around, you’ll find everything that is collecting data from us in one form or the other. 

Here’s an example- you use your smartphone for a variety of tasks, you book an uber, make calls, read messages, conduct meetings and video calls, and more. However, in this process, you forget that our behavior patterns or usages are creating data. 

It hardly gets noticed but companies who are providing their prestigious services to us use data in one form or another. They fetch our locations, know who is sending us what kind of messages, and even know who is our friend and family. Regardless of this, we give these companies our locations, where we are going, and others. This means one thing- no matter what we do, we are not anonymous and have several people tracking down our data.

Unprecedented Data 

While technological advancement is all this world craves for, there are other sides to it as well. Companies are using their data to come up with valuable insights that help them take their business to the next level. They are using all kinds of analysis on our data that are based on several parameters. which are ultimately enhancing our customer experience and taking us to an unparalleled side of technology.

While all this seems quite seamless, it only exists for the big companies. All the market giants are able to make full use of the data without even realizing it. They collect data from various sources and go onto making changes to it without any difficulty. However, the situation is different from small and medium enterprises.

With so many data sources, the burden to analyze also crops up. How will small businesses who have a very limited amount of investments store this data, perform computations on top of it, and then maybe use it for decision making. Because let’s accept it, those days are long gone where the intuition was extensively used for making decisions. Today the scenario is different. 

Any organization that is not taking the decision backed by data is losing out on their business. The competition in the market has become cut-throat and companies have no choice but to participate in it if they want to sustain themselves. 

Cloud Data Warehousing

But with so many platforms generating data, there has to be more work done. So, if you see a big tech company providing seamless services, understand that there’s a lot that goes in the background. For example, you know-how companies have their presence on different platforms- be it different operating systems like Android and Mac or platforms such as website, app, social media and marketplace, etc. 

The data pouring in from all these sources demonstrates how customers are interacting with your business on these platforms. However, there is one big cliche in this- All of these platforms have different data in terms of style, reporting, formats, and more. As a business for you to analyze the data, you need everything on a single platform and that too seamlessly.

But now the situation of data is different. To imagine an on-premise cloud system store all of this is not only difficult but also painful to imagine. Moreover, the idea of small businesses investing in such big enterprises is a joke in itself as well. 

The real question is what can be done? The wisest option, in this case, is to switch to cloud data warehouses. These platforms have multiple facilities for businesses so that they can use the cloud to store and perform computations on their data. This makes everything seamless- right from bringing data from different sources to deploying analytical solutions on top of it. 

Finally, organizations have the opportunity to concentrate on their business, instead of maintaining the data platform in itself. They don’t have to worry about maintaining large legacy systems or pay a hefty sum of money to accomplish one thing or the other. Instead, they are using on-demand cloud services that can be deployed at any time of the day. 

Towards Federalism

But cloud data warehousing solutions are evolving on its own- they are using the concept of federalism for the maximum benefits of organizations. Instead of having an all authoritative central point of control, they are using several ideas that draw from the federal system where the central government has a key role to play, but at the same time, some power is being given to individual states so that they can operate in complete autonomy. 

Today’s warehousing systems can do that effortlessly. They are able to divide connections between IT as well as multiple business groups. The leaders of the country divided the power between the central government and the individual states, thereby enabling good access at different levels. Similarly, this approach allows teams to have complete flexibility in using data and creating their own visualizations, while the safety and security of the data still lie at the center.

While businesses have tried to adopt this approach at their levels earlier, they realized that there were huge undertakings that had to be quintessentially created by the IT teams of the organizations. But, with this new approach, not only is everything much easier for the businesses but also asserts their needs unconditionally.

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