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How To Choose The Best Custom Honor Coins Holder For Your Collection?

Custom Honor Coins

Do you have an enormous collection of challenge coins? Even if your coins collection isn’t so much vast, it is enough important to choose the right challenge coin holder. 

No one receives challenge coins to put inside a random box in their closet. Each coin indicates something unique, whether it is hard-earned happenings or enjoyable memories. You might want to see and enjoy your coins as all they stand for. There’s no other way to exhibit your custom honor coins other than with specialized coin holders.

To acquire the perfect challenge coin holder for you, start with getting an idea of the top options of coin cases. 

Major Options for Challenge Coin Display

If you are showcasing your challenge makes, you must remember that they became an inseparable part of your home décor. That’s not surprising as several challenge coins case options are available in the market as per your preferences. 

Let’s check out which coin case suits your vision –

  • Wall-Mounted Display Case

Showed boxes are common ways to showcase any number of personal memorabilia or special recollections. Some custom honor coins holder designers have taken motivation from them. 

A wall-mounted coin display case owns a clear front, often made with metal or wood along the sides and back. The inside of the showed box is commonly creased with a cloth and it featured several rows of coins. These kinds of displays don’t acquire tabletop space and intended to showcase coins more openly than tabletop coin holders. Thus, you can get a high-end version with special spotlighting.   

  • Tabletop Coin Display Case

This kind of tabletop case is a popular choice for challenge coin holders that can hold a large collection of coins. This could be anywhere from ten coins to dozens of challenge coins to display. These coin cases are shallow and are open to the air to have clear enclosures. Some appear as are made to hold rings, with cloth edges where coin owners can insert each coin. Other coins own small stands custom-made into the cases for each coin. If you have a significant collection of coins and so want to showcase all of them, the tabletop coin display case could be an excellent choice. 

  • Single Coin Display Stand

The above-mentioned choices are perfect for collectors because they can hold a dozen coins in just one coin holder. What if you’ve only one special coin?

This is when the needs of a single coin showoff stand come. These coin stands appear similar to small easels and custom-made with challenge coins in mind. This coin stand comes in a variety of colors, styles, and materials, and so you can get the perfect match for your place. Additionally, you can showcase a vast collection with these tiny easels also. However, single coin showcase stands might acquire ample space unlike multiple coin holders but may appear unique. 

  • Floating Coin Case

Most of the coin cases mentioned-above are similar to the ancient model – easels or stands that prop up every single coin. In case you are in search of something unique to display your challenge coins with modern appeal, a floating coin case is a perfect match for your search. 

In floating coin display cases, your challenge coins are placed between two clear pieces of plastic, glass, or plexiglass. These kinds of coin holders come in various sizes and styles. Thus, you can acquire this kind to hold single coins or an arrangement of multiple coins as well. 

Choose The Best Way To Display Your Coins!

If you are shopping for challenge coin holders, you need to consider than just which seems the coolest. Your display doesn’t only make your coins appear unique but also protects them against odds. Hence, you must consider the below-listed points before purchasing any coin cases or stands –

  • Consider Your Space
  • Calculate The Risks
  • Evaluate Your Future Plans

That’s completely your personal choice, what type of challenge coins you are in actual need for? It simply relies upon your coins collection, your style, and what else you want to showcase with your guests.

To conclude, custom honor coins are an excellent means to recognize services and commitment for both civilians and military personnel. Hence, you must always keep your coins protected by choosing the right kind of coin holder as per your needs and your budget.

Ok! Let’s except the tips above were helpful for you to choose the ideal coin stands for your home.

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